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Welcome! This website was created on Sep 01 2009 and last updated on Feb 13 2025. The family trees on this site contain 19039 relatives and 1386 photos. If you have any questions or comments you may send a message to the Administrator of this site.
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About  Cyphert.Net

Stephen, or maybe Johannes, who lived in the Black Forest region on the border of France and Germany,
was the father of three boys, Philip, Adam and Johannes, who emigrated in the late 1740's. The first generation is not entirely documented (If you are in a position to research Catholic families in
Alsace, please let us know!) but Philip's children ended up being Cyphert, perhaps with a few Seiferts. Johannes and Adam's descendants include Seyfert and Seifert families.

Register to learn more!! Besides seeing the entire family tree, you'll gain access to Stories (on the
People tab), which provide more information about family names, illustrious (and dastardly) ancestors,
and plenty of history.
Want to meet the Cousins? Our Cyphert Facebook group provides a virtual reunion for any and all descendants of Philip, Adam and Johannes Cyphert.  We swap family history information as it comes up, and we let each other know
what is going on along the various branches of the Cyphert/Seyfert/Seifert tree.  It's a great place to
get started if you aren't sure where you "fit" into the Cyphert tree.  Somebody probably has the records
on your branch! Go to the Facebook Group. Join up, and then add all your cousins!
The Reunions
The first official Cyphert reunion took place at the Methodist Church in Kingsville on June 30, 1923,
shown above. It's a tradition that continues somewhat irregularly on the last Saturday of June at Clear
Creek State Park, PA.  The first reunion gathered the descendants of brothers William Rolston (1-3-8)
and Thomas Burton Cyphert (1-3-6) along with their cousin, Henry Cyphert (1-7-1), who had married
sisters Elizabeth, Mary Jane, and Sarah Allison in a triple ceremony at Brookville, PA in 1857. The
reunion organizers were probably congregation members Hugh Burton (1-3-6-6), David
Harvey (1-3-6-3), Curtis Elmer (1-3-8-3), Tate Elsworth (1-3-8-4) and Barton Elwin (1-3-8-7) Cyphert.
All but Barton Elwin are buried in the Methodist Cemetery, Mount Calvary, two miles north of Kingsville,
and Barton E. Cyphert's house can be seen at the left of the photo.

Each of these cousins is in the picture, along with 250-300 other members of the Cyphert family,
friends from town, and quite a few Aarons.  Click HERE for an enlarged version of the photo, and hover
over a face to see who it is. (Of the three Allison sisters, Sarah was the only one living long enough to
attend the reunion. She was 87 years old at the time and died in 1930. Look for her in the fourth panel
with the black scarf hanging around her neck.)

Reunion Stories with photos require registration. Come on in and get acquainted! Getting Around There are several ways to browse the family tree. The Tree View graphically shows the relationship of selected person to their kin. The Family View shows the person you have selected in the center, with
his/her photo on the left and notes on the right. Above are the father and mother and below are the children. The Ancestor Chart shows the person you have selected in the left, with the photograph above and children below. On the right are the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. The Descendant Chart shows the person you have selected in the left, with the photograph and parents below. On the right are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Do you know who your second cousins are? Try the Kinship Relationships Tool. The site can generate various reports for each name in your family tree. You can select a name from the list on the top-right menu bar. In addition to the charts and reports you have Photo Albums, the Events list and the Relationships tool. Family photographs are organized in the Photo Index. Each Album's photographs are accompanied by a
caption. To enlarge a photograph just click on it. Keep up with the family birthdays and anniversaries in the
Events list. Birthdays and Anniversaries of living persons are listed by month. Want to know how you are related to
anybody ? Check out the Relationships tool. Keep us up to date on your branch of the Cyphert family! If you find missing or incorrect information on your own family branch, you can edit the tree! First, log
in as a family member. (If you are not yet registered, request that first! Responses generally take just
a couple of days.) Then, do NOT try to use the “Edit” tab. (Sorry…that’s just a weird thing about the
Tribal Pages setup that I can’t fix.) For instructions, go to the People tab, select Stories, and then
Member Information and Instructions.